This forum was created as a way for quilters to support each other and to have a productive place to learn through positive discussions, exchange of ideas, and sharing techniques & relevant quilting knowledge, in a way that is also respectful to other members.
Who should join the forum?
If you are a beginner quilter and have questions about quilting & quilting techniques?
If you have experience with quilting, but are perhaps unsure with certain quilting terms or explanations
If you are an experienced quilter, and are able to add to the discussion by passing on what you know.
If you are a quilter wanting to have contact with other quilters
Please no self-promotion or inappropriate comments.
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Hello from North Wales, UK
I have my fabrics!
Greetings France, Germany, Virginia, UK, and Texas... I love how international this QAL is!
How funny my sister and I are doing the QAL from Tex....oh, Hi sis.
Hi, my sister and I are doing the QAL from Texas, USA
Hi, from Lynne in Devon in the UK. This is my first QAL, really looking forward to sharing the experience.😃
Hi, it's Kathleen from Virginia - thanks so much for setting this up. I'm excited to get started!
Kerstin from Germany - really looking forward😀
I am Corinne from France, glad to be here!
Thanks Allison for creating the Forum and letting me join in the fun. I can not wait to get started.